About Vuk1lis

Vuk Lekić
Linux System Engineer

I love Information Technology, playing with Linux and learn about Networking. Attracts me to study Cyber Security and using tools for Digital Forensic. My goal is to become good enought DevOps engineer so I can use CyberSec skills and become DevSecOps. In free time I like to play video games, basketball with friends and write songs.

 Languages and Tools :

 My Github Stats :
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 My Coding Stats :

 My TryHackMe Stats :

 My Gear :

CPU & Cooler: Intel i7 13700k & Arctic LF II 280 A-RGB
Motherboard: Z690 Tomahawk WiFi DDR5
RAM: DDR5 2x16GB 6000MT/s Kingston Fury Renegade
GPU: ZOTAC GeForce® GTX 1060 3GB AMP! Edition
Case: Lian LI Air Mini
Mice & Keyboard: HyperX Pulsefire Haste & Redragon Kala K557
Headphones & EQ: BEYERDYNAMIC DT 770 PRO 80 ohm & HeSuVi - ooyh0(HRIR) + oratory EQ(Dekoni Hybrid Earpads)